Ion Detoxification Foot Bath

Detoxification for a complete re-balance of the body’s bio-energy fields. Ion detoxification foot bath helps improve your Health, Feel invigorated and rejuvenated by helping your body to re-balance its bio-energy fields and stimulate the body’s detoxification. The body’s organs will naturally function better when the electro-magnetic fields are charged. The ion energy charged footbath will help you feel young again. Please drink a lot of water before and after treatment. You may feel tired for few days after your treatment while your body is flushing the toxins.

Why Have An Ion Detox Foot Bath Treatment?

In today’s times we live in a very toxic environment. The pollution in the air, the chemicals in our food, the water we drink and even the clothes we wear. At any given moment you may be exposed to toxins and heavy metals. These toxins accumulate in the body and can be stored in your fat cells, which tend to want to hang on to them. A good way to release toxic build up in your body is to sweat such as in a sauna or hot bath. But for most busy people, they do not have the time to spend hours in the sauna for the best results. Plus that may be a bit too uncomfortable and when used for detoxification should be supervised by a licensed practitioner. There is an easy alternative more and more people are finding great success with to rid your body of these unwanted toxins. That is the use of ionic detox footbaths. With the increase in the number of chemicals introduced in the last fifty years, there has been a dramatic increase in incidences of auto-immune disease, allergies and common infections. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in use today and more than a forth of these are known to be toxic and nothing is known about their interactive effects. Body fat has been tested that contains residue of hundreds of chemicals. Metals, such as mercury and cadmium are everywhere and impossible to avoid. Lead can block red blood cell formation. Chemicals can act as toxins that can block receptor sites on cells, and cause changes in calcium homeostasis selectively killing cells, and alter expression of gene products. Metals and chemical toxins weaken the immune system and cause increased vulnerability to virus, bacterial fungal and parasitic infections. In an attempt to detoxify these substances, our bowels, kidneys and liver are being overloaded. Our eliminative channels have become blocked or dysfunctional, because, in conjunction with these synthetic chemicals, and the western diet that is so acid forming and de-vitalized. To relieve the strains on the kidneys and liver it is more important than ever to maintain a detoxification regimen. The ion foot bath is designed to relieve these strains and help the body re-balance its energy fields allowing organs to function better.